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00007 #include "PlanarEmitter.h"
00008 using namespace GraphicsLib;
00009 using namespace ParticleSystems;
00012 PlanarEmitter::PlanarEmitter(   int SYSID, 
00013                                                                 Solver *s, 
00014                                                                 PARTICLETYPE type, 
00015                                                                 Vector initVel, 
00016                                                                 Colour initialColor, 
00017                                                                 GLfloat pSize, 
00018                                                                 Vector dim1, 
00019                                                                 Vector dim2) : Emitter(SYSID, s, type, initVel, initialColor, pSize) {
00020         dimension1 = dim1;
00021         dimension2 = dim2;
00022 } 
00024 PlanarEmitter::PlanarEmitter(   int SYSID, 
00025                                                                 Solver *s, 
00026                                                                 PARTICLETYPE type, 
00027                                                                 Vector initVel, 
00028                                                                 Colour initialColor, 
00029                                                                 GLfloat pSize,
00030                                                                 char *TexName, 
00031                                                                 Vector dim1, 
00032                                                                 Vector dim2) : Emitter(SYSID, s, type, initVel, initialColor, pSize, TexName) {
00033         dimension1 = dim1;
00034         dimension2 = dim2;
00035 }
00037 PlanarEmitter::~PlanarEmitter() {
00038 }
00040 Particle* PlanarEmitter::emittParticles() {
00041         //The result according to the type
00042         Particle *result;
00043         if(type == POINT) {
00044                 #ifdef __SPRITE__
00045             std::cout << "Planar emitter: Emitting Sphere" << std::endl;
00046                 #endif
00047                 result = new PointParticle(     SYSID,
00048                                                                         solver,
00049                                                                         pointOnPlane(),
00050                                                                         initialVelocity,
00051                                                                         initialColor,
00052                                                                         flareColor,
00053                                                                         particleSize, 
00054                                                                         particleSizeFlare,
00055                                                                         RandomPosNum(particleLife));
00056         } else if(type == IMAGE) {
00057                 #ifdef __SPRITE__
00058             std::cout << "Planar Emmiter: Emitting Sprite" << std::endl;
00059                 #endif
00060                 result = new ImgParticle(       SYSID,
00061                                                                         solver,
00062                                                                         pointOnPlane(), 
00063                                                                         initialVelocity, 
00064                                                                         initialColor,
00065                                                                         flareColor,
00066                                                                         particleSize, 
00067                                                                         particleSizeFlare,
00068                                                                         RandomPosNum(particleLife),
00069                                                                         &texture);
00070         } else if(type == STRIKE) {
00071                 #ifdef __SPRITE__
00072             std::cout << "PointEmmitter: Emitting Sphere" << std::endl;
00073                 #endif
00075                 result = new StrikeParticle(SYSID,
00076                                                                         solver,
00077                                                                         pointOnPlane(),
00078                                                                         initialVelocity,
00079                                                                         initialColor, 
00080                                                                         flareColor,
00081                                                                         particleSize,
00082                                                                         particleSizeFlare, 
00083                                                                         RandomPosNum(particleLife));
00084         }
00086         return result;
00088 }
00090 void PlanarEmitter::reBirth(Particle *p) {
00091         p->position = pointOnPlane();
00092         p->life = 0;
00093         p->dead = false;
00094         p->size = particleSize;
00095         p->velocity= initialVelocity;;
00096         p->colour = initialColor;
00097         p->faded_colour = flareColor;
00098 }
00101 Point3 PlanarEmitter::pointOnPlane() {
00102         Real randomU = RandomPosNum(1.0f);
00103         Real randomV = RandomPosNum(1.0f);
00104         //Needed to return a point when adding two vectors
00105         Point3 neutral = new Point3(0,0,0);
00106         Point3 result = (neutral + (randomU * dimension1) + (randomV * dimension2));
00107         return result;
00109 }

Generated on Thu Mar 24 11:05:02 2005 for ParticleSystem by  doxygen 1.4.1